Academic Council

Academic Council was organised in 1958.
Members of the Academic Council:

Alexander Akleyev, Doctor of Sciences in Medical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of RF, chair
Elena Burtovaya, PhD in Medical Sciences, deputy chair, Head of the Laboratory of Ecological Pathopsychology
Svetlana Bolshakova, PhD in Biological Sciences, scientific secretary
Alexandra Vozilova, PhD in Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Radiation Genetics
Marina Degteva, PhD in Technical Sciences, Head od the Biophysics Laboratory
Ludmila Krestinina, PhD in Medical Sciences, Head of the Epidemiological Department
Evgeniy Pryakhin, Doctor of Sciences in Biological Sciences, Head of the Experimental Department
Nikolay Startsev, Head of the Department Database Man
Vladimir Kovalenko, Chief Medical Officer
Evgenya Blinova, , PhD in Biological Sciences, acting Head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Radiobiology

Academic Council ensures unified scientific and technological policy of the URCRM and makes decision on the most important aspects of the activities of the URCRM.
The area of expertise of the Council includes:

  • formulation of proposals on development strategy of the research areas of the URCRM;
  • forecasting science and technology development in the sphere of URCRM research activities;
  • formulation of proposals on maintenance and development of research and trial resources of the Center;
  • discussion of the results of scientific investigations of individual researchers of the Center, and also of research laboratories (departments);
  • hearing of the reports on research activities implemented within the framework of agreements with Russian and foreign organizations;
  • nomination of URCRM researchers to conferment of academic titles, honorary titles, to awarding of medals, prizes, and certificates of honor of Russian Federation;
  • nomination of research papers and authoring teams to competition for State prizes, prizes of the Russian Federation Government, gold medals and prizes awarded by Russian Academy of Science, and other prizes in the sphere of science and technology;
  • approval and approbation of the doctoral and candidate dissertation topics.